Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Dinner With Grown Ups!

Last night was a rare occasion for me!  I went to dinner with my good friend Mrs G and Sojung. We had planned to eat Mexican all week but last minute change and we ate sushi instead.  It was delicious!....and I got to eat my meal without feeding any babies.   Afterwards, Sojung asked if we could go to Super H Mart which is a huge Korean market.  It was way too cool.  We had fun walking around and looking at all the different food items.  I never realized there were so many types of fresh fish in one store.  I wanted to look at the baby food but didn't get a chance.  I wonder if they had some sort of fishy baby food or sushibaby?  Who knows...

Just wanted to brag on my grown up night!  Lots of good food and fun was had by all.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sincerely Fro Me to You ~ Age 40 with Happy Mommy

Since I'm leaving in 30 minutes to meet Happy Mommy, Daisy and my sister Kristy (Kristy is having eye surgery), I felt it only right that I post a picture of HM and myself. This was taken October 2004. We spent the day at our nations capital walking around and having lots of fun. Daisy wasn't around a matter of fact, HM got pregnant with her a few weeks after this picture was taken. I had just moved from NYC and we all decided to spend a nice weekend together. HM came to see me and get fitted for her bridesmaid dress. Anyway, just wanted to post a pic of me and my best girl.

For more fun, head on over to "we are THAT family" enjoy!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Luke!

Today is my nephew Luke's 7th birthday! I can't believe how time has flown by. We've been very fortunate to be able to celebrate most of his birthday's with him. This year we're taking the whole Happy Mommy family to Kings Dominion to celebrate. Should be a lot of fun for all!

Today I'm sharing some goofy pictures of Luke and I. He loves it when we take these self portrait pictures and so do I. Happy Birthday Luke Skywalker....We love you! (I think we have a tongue theme going on here.... the first pic is my attempt at rolling my tongue which everyone in my whole family can do except me and my mom.)

I did find a picture of Luke's 4th birthday in 2005 when we were at Busch Gardens. We went to Water Country in the morning and Busch Gardens later that evening and back to BG the next day. This is taken at Water Country. I even found one of our sweet girl Daisy at the pool with us. Like HM said, she is only 5 weeks old but she had fun that weekend.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Our trip to Detroit was a bust! No Rock and Roll Hall of surgery...nothing!

We were so excited that Tate's care was now in Dr. Trese's hands only to be shut down. The appointment was Tuesday at 145p. This was our fifth trip to his office and at the most, we've waited 45 minutes. They have a great set up. You sign in and they administer the drops while you wait so when your name is called, you go straight in to see the doctor. This visit was quite a bit say the least. We arrived at 140p and there was not a seat available to sit it. There were at least 50 people in this waiting room..parents along with their children all waiting to see Dr. Trese. I guess they got a little behind that day. There were at least seven blind children there and it was quite humbling for me.

We were finally seen at 430p and promptly found out that the letter from our doctor never made it to Tate's file..good thing I was prepared and had a copy myself. Dr. Trese comes in, reads the letter in front of us, looks at Tate for maybe 2 minutes (remember I said previously that Tate's eyes do not dilate so he couldn't see behind them very well), and tells us that he doesn't preform perifial iridectomys..only bilateral ones. What?? He said that we should go back to Tate's know, the one who sent us to Dr. Trese.. and have him preform the iridecomy and leave the lens alone. Even if Tate has a cataract or if the Dr gives him one, just leave the lens as is and then bring Tate back and Dr. Trese can remove the lens.

This could have all been found out with a simple call from our doctors to Dr. Trese. He could have given his second opinion over the phone instead of giving it to us during a 10 minute office visit. Which by the way cost us well over $600 in hotels, gas and not even counting food. We were very upset when we left there ( I did tell Dr. T that our doctor didn't want to do the surgery and wanted him to do it but it was kind of a mute point since he doesn't even do them).

The next day, we drove 12 hours home..our 8 hour drive always turns into 12 with stopping to feed our kids, and realized that now we were no longer upset but rather mad and frustrated.
We're now awaiting a call back from Tate's primary opthamologist who was rather quite surprised when I called and told him our ordeal. He's getting involved and having the surgeon fit Tate in for surgery ASAP. So, hopefully we'll know a little more next week.

Please keep little Tate in your prayers since he now has to wait even longer for this procedure....oh yeah, and pray for his frustrated mommy too!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sincerely Fro Me to You ~ Engagement Photos

I decided to share some of my engagement photos for this weeks SFMTY. These were taken on 11/5/04 just a few months before our wedding. We had a really nice time with our photographer Brian. I especially like the last one of us walking towards the camera. My hair was on the lighter side and I prefer it darker now....but have to admit that I LOVE my jacket!
For more Fro Me To You fun, head on over to Kristen's site at "we are THAT family" and have yourself a peek.
PS..Can you guess which big city we live only 30 miles from???

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Road Trip to the Motor City

We're off on another road trip...not a pleasure trip however. We are going to Detroit again to take Tate to see Dr.Trese. We haven't been to see Dr. Trese since last September. We are both relieved and anxious about this visit.

We learned in May that Tate's right eye has changed since his last eye exam in November. It was explained to us that Tate's eye is getting shallow and the fluid in his eye isn't flowing like it should. They just need to poke a little hole in his pupil to get to his iris and then make some holes in his iris which will allow the fluid to flow properly. If we do nothing, it will surely result in glaucoma. His surgeons here fear that if they do the surgery, they may cause a cataract (they think he may already have one forming) which will result in removing his ocular lens. The problem with that is he may have scar tissue behind his lens and if they even touch it, it could detach his retina. Drama right? And I forgot to mention that Tate's pupils don't dilate because they are scarred down to his iris from the ROP. His opthomologist and retina specialist have highly recommended taking Tate to Detroit to have Dr. Trese give a second opinion and ultimately have him do the surgery. They are also hoping that the doctor can loosen that scar tissue for proper dilation.

The worse thing about all this is that this is Tate's right eye which is his good eye. We know he can see out of his left but the vision in the right is much better. Dr. Trese is Tate's best hope for a successful outcome. Please keep our family in your prayers for safe traveling mercies and especially for our sweet baby boy. We know God has great plans for Tate and we just want his vision to be perfect.

This will be our fifth trip to Detroit. I've made only one stop in Cleveland on our way back to visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. We'll need a little excitement after all this. I also hope to take the babies to the zoo while we're there. We took them last summer and it was a lot of fun. Well....I better get back to packing. Just wanted to keep everyone up to date and ask for your prayers.

PS.... My 25 year high school reunion is going on as I type this and I obviously wasn't able to make a trip to Dayton Ohio (Wayne High School class of 83) to attend due to this impromptu trip. Hopefully I'll still look good for our 3oth!!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

7 Things About Me MeMe

Thanks cousin Amy for tagging me in this meme. I've had a hard time coming up with 7 things! Just wait until my 100th blog and I have to come up with 100 things! Crazy...anyway, here goes;

1) I smoked for 1 week when I was 18 - hated it!

2) I dated a rock star briefly when I was 26 and we are still friends to this day...he just turned 60! YIKES! I still get free tickets to all his band's shows..and don't call me a groupie please. Groupies aren't invited, they just show up. I'm always invited....because I'm special like that.

3) My hair is naturally wavy/curly and I use big round brushes and blow dry it straight.

4) I have a passion for running. It's my alone time to talk/pray to Jesus. So sad that I haven't ran since the babies were born and I miss it dearly. So start running again, right?

5) I have an obsession with plucking my eyebrows. I do it every day. I'm trying to stop for 1 month and it's killing me (so I've still been plucking the strays).

6) I'm a tweezer snob. I only use Vitry tweezers which I get in Paris. Every time I go to there, I come home with about 10 pair. I give them as presents and keep spares for myself. My husband and I have been to Paris 2 times together and he's been in so many pharmacies helping me look for them and he doesn't complain too much. I have about 4 spares at this time. I think I need to schedule a trip!

7) I love pedicures! They are my most favorite thing to receive. I used to have the luxury of getting one every other week but now I'm lucky if it's once a month. My girl Pham does the best job and my feet just love her.

I'm now tagging the following for this meme~
A Little Mischief
Greek Grits
Our American Life Through Korean Eyes
Kennedy's in Europe
Giovanna Diaries
** Sorry in advance ladies but come on..this should be fun!

Like Mother, Like Daughter

My family came for a visit a few weeks ago and we all had a very nice time with each other. My mom's sisters came to see her for a few days and my cousin Stacy brought them along with her daughter Emily. All of them along with Happy Mommy, her kids and my sister Kristy came to my house one day for lunch. I had purchased Mother/Daughter aprons a while back and planned on having them on when they arrived. When everyone saw Reese and I in matching aprons, they thought it was the cutest thing. I did it for Happy Mommy who loves aprons...I wanted to make her laugh. Miss Reese helped me prepare lunch for everyone! The Apron Queen would've been proud! Here are a few photos from that day;

My sister Kristy is facinated by that fact that I can feed 2 babies their bottles at once. She always brags on me which cracks me up. Here is a photo she took of me doing just that. Hey a twin mom has to be creative!

I'm so happy that my Aunts, counsins, mom, sister, neices and nephews came for a visit. It was short but we sure did have fun laughing with each other. Thanks for coming guys..

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sincerely Fro Me to You ~ Age 7 Months

As I mentioned a few SFMTY posts ago, I was recently at my Mom's house and went through a lot of her old photos. I saw this picture of me as a baby and nabbed it. The back says I'm 7 months old and taken in 1965. I think I look very I know why Reese's hair has taken so long to come in thick. Anyway, just thought I'd share. For more fun, head on over to Kristen's site at "we are THAT family" and enjoy!

P.S. This may be the dress that my sister Kristy was the first to have her picture taken in, me second, Happy Mommy third, Daisy fourth and Reese will be the fifth. Happy Mommy, please confirm.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Reese's Surgery and Tate's Playdate

Reese had surgery again on Tuesday morning. Somehow the Gunderson Flap she got on 7/8 tore and she needed a few more stitches. We kept debating whether to take Tate with us again (he was so bored but very good the last time). Our good friends The G's offered to keep him for the day. So, we left our house at 400a and dropped Tate off (I told you she was a good friend) and headed to Baltimore. Reese's surgery lasted only 30 minutes this time and it was a success. She did however wake from the anesthesia in a very distraught state. She screamed, kicked and cried for over an hour and a half. I was very upset because she's never acted this way before. They gave her more and more pain medication but I don't think she was even in pain...just having a bad reaction (bad dream maybe?). Anyway, once we got her back to her own recovery room, she was back to her normal self..maybe she calmed down after seeing her daddy.

All the while, Tate was being doted on by Mrs. G, Audrey, Betty and Sojung. They took him to the park and played with him all day. Here is a picture that they took of him in his stroller. He had a great time and came back smelling lovely (Mrs. G wears Pure Grace and he smelled just like her the rest of the day). We're very blessed to have good friends who are willing to help us any hour of the day or night.